If you are searching for the best life insurance rates, beware of these four reasons a company may charge you more money. Working with an agent who sells for multiple insurance companies can often help you prevent the extra cost. 1. Being Overweight According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (NHANES Study), 74%…Read More
When Roger purchased his new Ford Mustang, he wasn’t concerned about his car payment. He earned enough money to make his monthly payments. Roger went to the car dealer, signed the contract, and drove away in his new car. A short time later his car was in an accident, and he discovered that he owed…Read More
Yes. Your United States policy does not cover legal liability for bodily injury or property damage caused in Mexico. An accident that happens in Mexico may be considered a criminal offense. If you drive there without a policy issued by an authorized Mexican Insurance Company, and you are involved in an accident, you could spend…Read More
A higher insurance deductible on your car insurance will save you money. Often people can save hundreds of dollars a year by choosing a $1,000 deductible instead of a $100 deductible. The deductible is applied towards a car’s comprehensive and collision coverage. Comprehensive and collision coverage on an insurance policy pay for damages to a…Read More
Getting life insurance with Diabetes is easy if you work with the right insurance agent. I have helped hundreds of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetics find affordable term life insurance. If your condition is under control, you shouldn’t have any problems getting life insurance. Today, I am going to tell you the seven things…Read More
As we get older, the cost of life insurance increases. It’s important to understand how life insurance companies determine your age so that you can qualify for the best possible price. It’s common for life insurance rates to increase 10-15% each year, so understanding this concept is very important. Most life insurance companies use the…Read More
If you are searching for the best deal on life insurance, then there are a few things you should know. If you follow all five steps, you should be able to save thousands of dollars on life insurance. 1. Work with an Agent that Understands Your Health One of the most common reasons you will…Read More
If you think buying life insurance at work is saving you money, then you may be surprised to learn that many employees are saving thousands of dollars by buying life insurance directly from an agent. Recently we had the opportunity to help a friend who purchased life insurance at work. He told us he had…Read More
If you are new to buying life insurance or just need a refresher course, we wrote this article for you. Below is everything you need to know about buying term life insurance. Step 1: How much do I need? Before you decide anything else, you should determine how much life insurance you need. Here are…Read More